Sunday, March 1, 2009

My very First Time...

Finally i'm going to watch Confession Of Shopaholic in Cinema!! which is also my very first time in the uk SO we got ourselves a premier seat~~hehe enjoying life and totally forgotten about our presentation next week!

Christina and i was enjoy shopping whole day in town and clarise rang us up at 5 for movie in Odeon!..Huray! 6 months!!..i didn been to cinema for 6 months!! n now i sounds like i'm from kampung.Our movie is at 8.15pm so we had our dinner next to the cinema at Chiquito the Original Mexican Grill & Bar~..


Christina Ng said...

weeee >.<

Joanyee said...

weee...finally babe~~ to the cinema! "ah ngau chut seng"..

Jacklicious said...

whoa... nice meals of pictures u have there... so big and looks delicious... hahaha... looking forward to see more... yum yum... (slurping all the way*)