Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sue's Birthday


我的housemate21岁生日了!没怎么跟她庆祝,她是泰国人所以我们一起煮了一桌泰国餐还送了她一个tiramisu蛋糕.因为功课很忙所以我再也没时间做蛋糕了.这餐吃得好饱哦,看来我又会再增肥了.较小玲珑的她很可爱也笑得很甜,我和她经常一起喝酒,谈心事,玩和吃泰国餐!因为英国人不会欣赏泰国餐而刚巧我是泰国"瞎洴"和"瞎吃"的粉丝所以我们的关系才会那么好.她人虽然看起来满骄傲,话也不多但其实她很好,反而跟她熟了之后还满"基砸"zhi cha哈哈..还很顽皮.这两天都和她一起吃晚餐让我回想到我的姐妹们, 好想再喝你们一起去泰国!..我有时会突然很想回到以前但想远一点这是我成长的一部份..有时真的很矛盾我都不懂我要什么..好想和你们距离的很远但我们都有联络. 我好想你们!!我觉得挺幸运的可以和一个泰国,一个香港,两个中国人一起住因为跟英国人住会很难受.

my housemat Sue~ 上个星期clarise去了伦敦住在她亲戚的家还带了烧肉,烧鸭回来给我们!很谢谢她!!因为我们都很旧没吃过了(好像乡下的阿牛过年过节才有烧肉,烧鸭吃).哈哈!因为我们这里都没有的卖所以会特别兴奋。

最进我学会自己弄甜品来吃不用出去吃,又能省钱又好吃。我了一次给nana吃她也爱上了!!。。那甜品就是waffle icecream!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


这半年天天对的都是你..很想谢谢你成为我的另一半. 我们认识了三年甚至天天都见面都不比现在熟. 以前的你脾气不好又容易让人知道你不爽..哈哈很好笑但现在的你很不一样了, 我成经担心过我该怎样和你相处, 会不会让我们俩都不开心. 反而最简单的发式就是坦白,某些地方你都很像我姐姐所以我都满清楚你..看见你不高兴的时候我心就酸了就在你housemate欺负你的时候,我也不懂为什么所以你一定要天天开心!还有我第一天做工的时候你来送我,我真的很开心那种开心是无法形容的..我们的经历都让我们更认识大家. 我们就快毕业了要分开了,还好我们要一起去巴黎旅行了!


寂寞喧哗 我不害怕 因为我只听得见对你的牵挂

世界很大 会容得下 我这小小傻傻顽固的信仰

谢谢你在我孤单的时候陪着我,还给了我无可取代的美好回忆..我会很想你? 不可能!..


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reward or Habit?

after the last presentation..

Again i realise that after every single presentation i went shopping! this a reward or my habit?..Evil mindset~..After burning mid nite oil for few days with only 3 hour sleep..Finally! last presentation in my degree course!!...Ended successfully..yay!
Well we then went to manchester right after our presentation to had dim sum~shopping~thai cuisine~...Unfortunately we spent too much time in shopping we had to rush for our dinner. We're supposed to had our dinner at Chao Phraya restaurant but we did not make any bookings so we end up having our dinner at Try Thai~..yuhu~~..

the subway..
busy picking clothes!..don disturb~~

they are busy tho..

which one to choose!

our big pack small pack!

waited for half an hour end up leavin.. "look at my tired face"

Chao Phraya Restaurant


I felt even tired after this dinner~..its time to sleep..nitez~~

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My very First Time...

Finally i'm going to watch Confession Of Shopaholic in Cinema!! which is also my very first time in the uk SO we got ourselves a premier seat~~hehe enjoying life and totally forgotten about our presentation next week!

Christina and i was enjoy shopping whole day in town and clarise rang us up at 5 for movie in Odeon!..Huray! 6 months!!..i didn been to cinema for 6 months!! n now i sounds like i'm from kampung.Our movie is at 8.15pm so we had our dinner next to the cinema at Chiquito the Original Mexican Grill & Bar~..