Tuesday, June 30, 2009


我终于找到我要的房子了..明天要搬家了我还没收拾东西.我好想快点搬出去,期待了很久因为我要私人空间而且厨房不用每天给人捌着. 从半年前我都很少煮东西吃还每天吃冷冻食物,我的中国朋友还惨很少吃东西. 最不可诗意的事每天用厨房的人没清理还问我要搬了就不用清理吗??..我都傻了一下因为我都一个星期才煮两次而且垃圾还是我丢的呢. 但没关系我不计较要清就清啊. 我好兴奋!因为待会要煮明天派对的食物..天啊我很久没煮东西了不懂我住的菜还能吃吗.

明天是我家的House warming邀请了很多朋友我想一定会玩到疯了.我的同事提议来帮我搬家但我拒绝了因为我想我可以自己搬但是我发觉我东西不少,后悔了.看看我现在的房间有多乱!

时间过得很快,真的不知不觉就毕业了.其实我还不能相信我毕业了不再是学生的身份.我最好的flat mate回国了.她托我帮她搞学校的东西又遇到麻烦.每件事情都自己做而没人帮真的很累.我很想学习依靠别人但我却做不到.我喜欢靠自己就连搬家我都要靠自己,我讨厌自己为什么那么固执.自从我来了英国很多东西和事情都变了..我的人生开始没人懂了,没人了解了更不知道我的状况..我累了..



Friday, June 19, 2009

Depression + Insonmia

Its been more than a week that i cant sleep and eat. I was suppose to move to a new room~yet i felt unhappy and doesn't feels like moving in. Out of sudden i gave the owner a call and cancel the rental..Am i too impulsion? I'm ok with the house on the first and second visit but not the third visit. I might be too sensitive but i really felt pissed with that house. Fortunately we haven signed contract due to the irresponsible owner. Should i consider myself as lucky or unlucky? Why m i so tragic!
I'm extremely stressed up where i have no one to talk to! I'm not emo..it's just too much things for me myself to handle at the same time. I need to call up BT to hold onto the phone line and broadband. Simultaneously, my housemate who wants to stay with me did nothing! I should admit that i'm the stupid one and she's the smart one coz i've been doing everything from house searching, house viewing, dealing, confirmation, calling, contract, cancellation, start house searching, calling, emailing, house viewing. I'm going insane. People might thought that i've extremly free but i'm not. Sigh..
Rite..after the grandmother stories back to my updates..I just sent my housemate off last week as she's returning back to china for good. She's my cookin companion! a good cooker. To be honest i do missed her although we do not spend much time together still she left me some good memories. At the moment i'm confident only in baking oreo cheese cake so I made her a oreo cheese cake. She bought me a teddy chocolate and dinner a day before she left. Makes me feels like crying..I'm lonely..

Oreo Cheese Cake~

Friday, June 12, 2009


I missed out this wonderful place..
My purpose of this trip is boon's birthday!..what i did most is shopping in Gunwhoft!!!.. Breakfast - Thai Food

Spinnaker Tower
It is the centrepiece of the redevelopment of Portsmouth Harbour, which was supported by a National Lottery grant...reflects Portsmouth's maritime
shop shop shop!!

i'm so so so in love with seafood

Big big Lobster!!..

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Final Curtain

Its my Graduation Ball!!!...

I'm kinda suprise that i'm graduated..which means i'm getting older??


My partner~winks*

My lecturers..



Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Let see..what a suprise!..i've got four parcels in a month!!..
Well obviously it is happy to received some stuff rite!!..

Today!! 1st June 2009

27th May 2009!
5th May 2009