Sunday, May 24, 2009


Rite..I'd juz finish watching my fav korean drama Boys-Before-Flower!!..How i wish i could live in the dramas...being naive and romantic~~~being treated like precious..
Well i've been spending most of the time watching movies and dramas in my room and the cinema after my "wai sek guai" left coz i got no supper companion..gossip companion..etc etc..My life is just Sleeping, Eating, Working, Movies..sigh~~what's life!!! I'd start missin home, missing my room, missing my zhi muiss, my life in KL, my packed schedule as being too free isn't a good thing.Before heading off to portsmouth we went honey lounge and lava as a well for wai sek guai..i miss u like crazy!!..."No Life" without her. coz...she's the one who always draggggg me out from my room to everywhere in preston.
Argh!!!...i'm suprise!!..who took my pic!!
I'm on da screen..sigh
us on da screen!