Sunday, May 24, 2009


Rite..I'd juz finish watching my fav korean drama Boys-Before-Flower!!..How i wish i could live in the dramas...being naive and romantic~~~being treated like precious..
Well i've been spending most of the time watching movies and dramas in my room and the cinema after my "wai sek guai" left coz i got no supper companion..gossip companion..etc etc..My life is just Sleeping, Eating, Working, Movies..sigh~~what's life!!! I'd start missin home, missing my room, missing my zhi muiss, my life in KL, my packed schedule as being too free isn't a good thing.Before heading off to portsmouth we went honey lounge and lava as a well for wai sek guai..i miss u like crazy!!..."No Life" without her. coz...she's the one who always draggggg me out from my room to everywhere in preston.
Argh!!!...i'm suprise!!..who took my pic!!
I'm on da screen..sigh
us on da screen!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


非常谢谢Rachel & Fiona的帮助!!如果不是那生日派对就搞不成了...宝雯很高兴还哭了呢!!..她给了一个非常长的演讲还很感动把我的泪也给流出来了..


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


After handing in my final assign chriz n i decided to make tom yam steamboat!..Seriously i'm exhausted after rushing assign for 48hours. But i never had steamboat ever since i came to uk! quickly rush to the market and get, chicken, lamb, mussles, prawns, fishball, vege, squid and etc!!..
Greedy us..bought too much and can't finish~..Chriz n i continue the second session in my room...

Right after the steamboat we decided to make oreo chese cake!..which is also a practise for boon's birthday!..hehe.."wai sek guai" is so excited and can't wait to eat the cake ok!..from the starting she keep mumbling asking me to add more oreo!..add more la!..not enough la~~..

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Jennifer~

5 days before hading up my last assign, i was invited to a french fren of mine Jennifer's birthday party!.. Here we go..bottoms up ourselves and chilling around at jennifer's place. The party stays up to 6am, well i went home at 3am coz i need to work next morning!!..Gosh..i've been so sigh of working laziness is swallowing me again..

Last Saturday after work at 6pm.."wai sek guai" called me up asking if we could dine out. Without thinking we decided to have Thai Cuisine in Manchester~..yay!..

My "wai sek guai"..