Wednesday, December 24, 2008


想不到今年过冬竟然自己一个人过,突然好想家.我20号刚去了manchester 找sze wan,好高兴因为不用一个人关在房间里..走了一天感觉很忠实,我们狂了german & dutch christmas market其实不是哪么多东西看,加上又下雨把我淋得全身都湿了.我买了咯米粉採汤圆觉得好孤独因为没人在家只剩我和helen我就一起煮给她吃然后收拾行李因为星期一去伦敦..但是为什么我一点都不兴奋我到底是怎样了..我真的很想念还没来英国的日子..为什么我发觉自己不在像以前天天都那么高兴那么爱笑..我现在都笑不出来因为无论我做什么,过什么节日都是自己一个人没有自己熟悉得朋友只有熟悉得陌生人..

orange & classic mullen wine~

omg..the a real huge pork!

rainy day..

the clock is exactly the same as pet society!!

tasty cookies!

"tong yuin"


Jacklicious said...

hmmm... u actually made ur own tong yuen back there? or u bought it? got red bean de... looks so delicious... hahaha

Joanyee said...

haha...i make it myself la~~..coz i always help out my mum..tat's y i noe how to make~~..hohoho..see!!i'm a good daughter!!

Jacklicious said...

wah... hmmm... always help mom eh? hahaha... true also... lolx... u good.. good daugther... lol.. happy new year 2009...!!